I have made a login form in html. I want to execute a javascript function on submission of html form. I have declared following question:
<script type="txt/javascript" language="javascript">
function LoginChk()
// code //
can someone tell me how to call this javascript function ?
How to call a javascr+B6181ipt function in html ?
I am giving a solution to call a JavaScript function in html ,This tag creates a button as submit,on clicking submit button it automatically calls your function LoginChk
Try this.
<input name="Submit" type="button" id="Submit" onclick="LoginChk(this.form)" value="Submit" />
How to call a javascr+B6181ipt function in html ?
Hello Manindertoor,
For your concern, you must have one JavaScript element to load the external JavaScript, and also have another one to include your function call JavaScript.
For more information and details of your concern, kindly look at this JavaScript Functions , it will specify and explain the JavaScript functions that will be useful for you.