Hello there! I am deeply into world of warcraft but at times find it a bit demanding since I have not been able to acquire free wow DNS. Can someone shed some light on how this whole thing works and how I can be able to acquire the domain name system? Kindly put it in a simple way that I can understand. Thanks a bunch.
How can I acquire a fully functional free wow DNS?
Hello Deborah,
Using custom proxy or DNS servers can reduce your latency to the game, this all depends on your location and the server's location. The greater the distance the greater the ping, the lower the ping the better it is for gaming.
Here is a link to Leatrix Latency Fix, it reduces you latency in most online games. I myself have been using it and it has proven to be very effective, attached to that link are the instructions and explanations about Leatrix Latency Fix.
Luz M Terry