Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 08/20/2011
I use Red Hat Linux. Now I want to change my workspace. But I do not know how can I change it. Can anybody tell me please, what commend or shortcut I use for it and in Red Hat Linux how many workspace I can use as default. Please help me.
How can I change my workspace in Red Hat Linux
If you are new with the Red Hat. there is nothing to worry you can switch to different workspace. You just have to do the following.
Ctrl + Alt + function keys from 1 to 6 switches console.
Ctrl + Al t + function keys from 7 to onward. It switches to X11 sessions. But usually you will having only one in your Red Hat version.
Other shortcuts that you can use in your Red Hat version and using on Kde Ctrl + functions keys from 1 to onward you can switches your virtual desktop.
Use these shortcut you will find it more help full. if you have further any problem please contact me or refer to the book LINUX for the beginners. You will find it very help full. Have a nice day
Shah Hassan