Hello experts,
How can I complete site html CSS? I am on the process of creating a webpage for my project and how can I complete it with the use of html codes and CSS. I want to combine CSS and html codes and as well as connect them to a database. Can you give me some ways to get a tutorial online?
Thank you.
How can I complete site html css?
You can use HTML and CSS for designing any website interfaces but if you want to add dynamic content to your site you’ll need to use some programming language and a database system. Following is a simple example how you can use CCS with html
You can add the Example. CSS file to your web site and add the following script
background: black;
Link the CSS file to your HTML page using below script.
<linkrel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Example.css" />
Content here….
Now run the HTML web page and you’ll see a web page with black background.
Now you can choose any programming language and a database management system according to your preference and write the database access code in chosen language. Open your database manager and see whether the data is stored correctly.
How can I complete site html css?
If you want to create a complete site using the HTML and CSS then at first you need to learn and if you want tutorial then you can use this website. http://www.w3school.com.
There is another option for you. You also can find some tutorial from YouTube but w3school is very good for all.
I am sure that it will help you.