How can I create an online transaction uml diagram?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Can someone help in creating an online transaction uml diagram for online money transactions?  I use Mozilla Firefox 18.0.2.  I'm thinking like where viewers do online shopping, process their order, then online payment.  Can someone please show me on a tutorial on this? 

Answered By 0 points N/A #198336

How can I create an online transaction uml diagram?



UML allows to create different types of diagrams. You have not specified which particular types of diagrams you need. There are types such as class diagrams, instance diagrams, interaction diagrams, sequence diagrams, use-case diagrams, component diagrams, etc.

I am attaching some of the types here. If you have a look at the class diagram, what is especially important is the concept of associations. Please pay attention to associations such as one-to-one, one-to-many, etc, among classes Customer, ShoppingCart, Product, CreditCard, preferredCustomer, and itemToPurchase.

Hope it helps.
Best Regards,

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