Asked By
Joe T Jones
30 points
Posted on - 11/16/2014
I would like to know if there are drivers for specific functions on the computer. If so, how do you write driver programs for use on the computer to carry out specific functions? What alternative software exist which does not require drives to function? What can cause a driver to get corrupted and not function properly?
How Can I Develop Drivers for Specific Functions?
A driver normally runs together with a program or a device. A driver doesn’t run alone. It is always being called by a main program probably to run or start a service or a particular task. If you don’t want your drivers to get corrupted, make sure you exit all the applications you started before shutting down the computer.
Leaving a program running when shutting down the computer can sometimes cause corruption. Also, avoid forcing your computer to turn off by long-pressing on the power button of your CPU because this can surely damage the system or the files used by the operating system to run the computer. And when the system files got corrupted, you might end up re-installing your operating system.
If you are interested in developing a driver that you can probably use personally in Microsoft Windows, you probably need to do a little research about driver development. You can also visit Getting Started with Windows Drivers. Like what the page suggests, you should know how to code using C language as well as C++.
There are also other drivers that were written using Microsoft .NET Framework.