I run electric devices but I want to know how much electricity they use and how much they cost. How can I do power consumption calculation? Is there any formula for it? It may be better if I can get a power consumption calculator. Please help me.
How can I do power consumption calculation correctly?
Dear Timothy,
You need to summarize all the electric devices in your home and know what is the specific power consumption of each device to calculate the total power consumption manually.
You can use this formula.
Electricity Unit= W x H / 1000 then multiply by 30 to calculate the consumption for one month.
W = Energy Consumption Unit(watts),
H = Time (hours).
Or you can use the following calculator from https://www.easycalculation.com/
– Here is another calculator you can use to calculate the cost but you have to know the energy rates for your country and the electricity consumption of each device.
Electricity Cost Calculatora
How can I do power consumption calculation correctly?
You calculate your electricity bill with your own like this study this example one bulb 100w-4hours/day, one fan 60w-8hours/day, Electric iron 750w-1/hour.
Now 30 days expenses can be calculated as per formula Electricity consumption/day *Total days of month/1000 so a/q to formula 400+480+750*30/1000=48.9 units Now check your per unit charge let it is 50 (paisea/q to my country currency) then simple 48.9*50=24.45rupees.
Note w=watts of appliances.