Asked By
D Morgan
10 points
Posted on - 11/15/2012
Hi, there are two flip-flops, A and B, with two inputs X and Y in a sequential circuit. One of the other outputs Z is specified by the nest state and output equation at 1K’Y XA BT 1X’B XA. How can I draw the logic diagram of the above equation? Any idea would be great. Thanks.
How can I draw the logic diagram of the above equation?
Hello D Morgan,
Firstly, you should minimize your equation using either Row matching or implication method techniques. Another best approach for reduction and logic diagram construction is use of k-maps. After reduction you can simply implement the logic using the basic gates.
Best of luck with your circuit and logic implementation.
How can I draw the logic diagram of the above equation?
Hello D Morgan,
You can do the required task after following these steps in the same sequence;
1.      Firstly, draw state diagrams according to your requirements.
2.      Use these state diagrams to complete the truth table.
3.      Minimize your truth table by state minimization techniques like Row matching or implication chart.
4.      Use D or JK Filp Flops for making the equation.
5.      Use K-maps and get the required finalized equation.
Now, use basic gates to implement this equation.