Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/18/2011
How can I find hidden folders after reformatting my PC? I have installed a program that has the ability to hide folders. I used it to hide about five folders. Unfortunately my desktop crashed and I have it reformatted but kept the Drive D where all my files and those hidden folders reside, unformatted.
When the desktop was working I can see all the files but not the hidden folders. I installed again the file/ folder hider program hoping I can retrieve the folder this way but to no avail. Is there another way to that or the hidden folders have actually deleted during reformatting? Thank you in advance for your replies.

Answered By
5 points
How can I find hidden folders after reformatting my PC?
Hi Vejee!
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, you may try to do these steps to show your hidden files:
1. Click on the START menu button, type RUN in the search box and then ENTER.
2. Type REGEDIT.EXE in the Open box then click OK.
3. You may open these folders:Â HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced
4. Look for HIDDEN option which is located on the right side.
5. Right click on HIDDEN and left click on MODIFY.
6. An Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window will pop-up.
7. Change the value data to 1 = SHOW HIDDEN, (2 = DO NOT SHOW).
8. Exit the Registry Editor window and then restart your computer for the change to take effect.
After reformatting your computer, the registry was reset to its default values. Hope these steps help.
Answered By
5 points
How can I find hidden folders after reformatting my PC?
Hi Vejee,
Here is the step to show the hidden files after the reformatting a PC. This is for Windows XP OS.
Step 1: Open My Computer and Go to Tools.
Step 2: Select Folder Options and go to View Tab.
Step 3: Click the radio button for "Show hidden files and folders".
Step 4: Scroll down a bit and click the "Hide protected operating system files (recommended).
Step 5: Just click "Yes" that it will turn on the protected hidden files.
Step 6: Click apply in the lower right of the window.
Note: After clicking the apply button. You will instantly see the hidden files. And if not, just refresh the window and you will see the hidden files and folders for every drive selected.
Hope it helps.