How can i find what service pack i have for Sql 2005?

Hi All,
How can i find what service pack i have for Sql 2005?
What's the easiest way and with select statement how can i find?

Hi All,
How can i find what service pack i have for Sql 2005?
What's the easiest way and with select statement how can i find?
 It is not hard. To fine that which service pack we have installed in our machine we want to go help menu. In the help menu you want to click on about option.
A new information box will be open and that contained all version information of sql 2005.
Option window will be contained:-
1.      SQL server Management version
2.      2. Analytic service client tool version information
3.      Data Access Components Version information
4.      MSXML version information
5.      .net Framework version information
6.      Internet explorer version information
7.      Operating System version information
And many more information you will see.
I heard about SQL 2005 upgrade service pack I think you need administer rights to handle SQL first you must have an Intel i3 processor 2GB of ram 675 hard disk can go to the Microsoft website you can find the SQL software download center make sure to complete the download time.