How Can I Fix Error Code 0x8007267c?

What is error code 0x8007267c? How can I fix error code 0x8007267c, and what is the cause of this error? Does this error occur only in windows 10 or other lower versions of windows have also experienced it?

What is error code 0x8007267c? How can I fix error code 0x8007267c, and what is the cause of this error? Does this error occur only in windows 10 or other lower versions of windows have also experienced it?
Error code 0x8007267c is especially in windows ten this error only occurs when no DNS server is configured. During the activation process in your network setting if no DNS server is configured this may lead to error code 0x8007267c. The cause of this error is very obvious as windows 10 require DNS server configuration if this does not happen or the system is not properly configured this may lead to misunderstanding.
The following measures will help you fix this error but if you are not too confident that you can do it or are comfortable with command prompt you should call a technician who will resolve the error.
This error mainly occurs in Windows 10 and not in any lower version of windows.