How can i get list of Excel formulas?

Excel formula is a common formula that you already write up. When using Excel formula most common in cells having constants or even by using a function.
When we say Excel formula we are referring to any Excel Operators combinations as simple as “=A1+B1” other could a more complex like having to use Excel Functions. You can get Excel Formulas from Excel Functions.
In there you can study different kinds of Formulas using Built-In Functions, typical Excel Formulas, Array Formulas and some tips and tricks under Microsoft Excel.
Furthermore aside from Excel formula you can also study the Excel Macros or the Excel VBA tutorial.
There are the powerful features in Microsoft Office.
All available formulas in Excel are found in the Insert Function.
Choose the function inside the box then hit OK. The information about what every function does is shown below. Including its syntax on how to enter the formula correctly.
If you cannot find the formula you want to use, other types of functions are available in their different categories.
You just need to explore the whole Excel program to be able to find the command you are looking for. You can hit the Help link found beside the minimize button above, the question mark inside the circle is the Help button.