How can I improve my web page’s speed?

Here are several methods you can apply to make your website load faster. The very first thing you can do to improve the performance of your site is to apply content delivery network. When you use a CDN, it will take your website’s static files like the JavaScript, images, and CSS and then sends them to the server that is closest to the user’s physical location.
Because of the short distance between the user and the server, the web pages will load faster. If your website is big, implementing a content delivery network is a must so you can be assured that all your visitors will have the fastest experience in your website. Another thing you can do to make your site load faster is to change the format of the images you used.
In a desktop computer, 61 percent of a website’s page weight is images. That is according to the HTTP Archive. Applying new image formats like JPeg XR and WebP can help decrease the weight of the image by 20 to 50 percent without sacrificing the quality.