Asked By
John S West
0 points
Posted on - 01/13/2015
I have a tgz download for OpenEmm; a mass email server but Im unable to install. How can i make make this file and install.? I have tried to use the command cd/…file name but it does not work in terminal, is there a better ay to make this file and run it in Linux terminal?
How can I install OpenEmm mass email software in Linux mint
There is simplest way to install OpenEMM to any linux.
1. Download OpenEMM to directory /tmp.
2. If you have old OpenEMM then you should stop it first and rename the directory.
$> su – openemm
$> stop
$> exit
$> cd /home
$> mv openemm openemm_backup
3. Now, Create the new OpenEMM directory for downloaded OpenEMM.
$> mkdir openemm
$> cd openemm
4. Untar OpenEMM which is in the format .tgz as root
$> tar -xvzpf /tmp/OpenEMM–…(version of OpenEMM)-bin.tar.gz
5. Copy content for /usr/share/doc
$> mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-(Version of OpenEMM)
$> mv USR_SHARE/* /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-(Version of OpenEMM)
$> rm -rf USR_SHARE.
6. Replace “http://localhost:8080” with your domain name.
7. Copy the modifications you made to the "old" files and (these files are found in /home/openemm_backup/webapps/core/WEB-INF/classes/) to the new files.
8. Start MySQL DBMS and update the OpenEMM DB and CMS DB
$> /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$> mysql -u root -p openemm < /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM–…(version of OpenEMM)/update_openemm-…(version of OpenEMM)
$> mysql -u root -p openemm < /usr/share/doc/OpenEMM–…(version of OpenEMM)/update_openemm-…(version of OpenEMM)
9. Launch OpenEMM
$> su – openemm
$> start
$> exit