How can I make a layout of a website.

Please tell me what is best software to create a layout of a website and throw some light on how it can be done.

Please tell me what is best software to create a layout of a website and throw some light on how it can be done.
Creating a layout of a webpage is similar to scratch or painting an image or painting a blank image.
To make this kind of paintings or images you can depend on Adobe Photoshop. It is the most amazing software I have ever seen in my whole life, to make images and to edit images. It respects your creativity most.
First install Adobe Photoshop. You can find this software in the website of Adobe. Now run Photoshop from start button and after opening, Go to file in the top and click new ; then set your size and resolution and background in white. Now you can find a new place to draw. You can use many tools on the left side to paint your layout.
You can make a layout of a website using the 96os Grid system. To use it, you must need to view the rules. Go there, just click the view and choose the rules, and make sure you need to guide re visible ; just click view choose extras. To start only the design, if a bit taller, you need to go the Image ; click the canvas size, height to 1500px and click ok.
You need to set the lower borders to the our header area, by dragging the a new horizontal guide after 100px. Click the view and chose the new guide for the orientation, horizontal and position by 100px. You need to use the Rectangular Marquee Tool just select the pix for 1020x100px. Click the shift + Backspace to fill it with any color ; then just layer it for the header.
Hello KabirAli,
The best way to make a layout of a website is drawing the tables in Dreamweaver, and showing how you want the header, the footer, the body and the contents to appear.
But before you even go to Dreamweaver, it is advisable that you draw the layout of your website on a paper, identify where each element is supposed to appear, the divisions and so forth. This saves you some trouble and confusion when you now draw the layout in Dreamweaver because you already know where to put what and how everything should appear.
In Dreamweaver, ensure that you stick to the design layout at this point, you can start editing code and modifying it, when you have a clear layout of how you want your website to look.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung