Hello, im new to using google app script and i wanted to program a web scrapping application to mine for some user data and save the mined data in a spreadsheet format from which it can then use the scrapped emails and send emails to the clients by using the active email.
How can i make a simple web mining google app
Hello Donnaz!
Web Scrapping is a technique in computer application where you can retrieve specific data/and or information like email, address, name, origin and other data you can get from websites. There are several applications developed that you base your proposed output. You can use different programming techniques and languages like Java, Ruby, VB.net and many more. You have to create a proper sets of commands that will extract information from a specific web page or website. Better yet start with any simple application that will convert webpage into a word document. Segregate web page codes, and retain data. Combine or itemize all data that will be left over and you can create a parse code.