How can i make a website ?

Hello Farhan.
These days maximum people create website to generate revenue from them.
So if you are also one of them, i suggest you create a blog first rather than directly going with the websites as it gives you clear vision of how good is your idea and is it worth investing. If your Idea is successful you can easily deploy the website and forward the traffic from your blog to your Website.
First thing is to get the theme ,Â
In today's world you will find a website for every possible thing, taking from "how to use commode toilet" to "how to groom with the dogs" Â
So choose your theme, and make sure that it is at least 1 % different from others.
Since you are newbie, i would prefer you not go for popular themes, such as any file sharing website, or any games informative website or any tips and tricks website. These content do bring you traffic but there is huge competition and that too with those people who are in this field  when you were in the KG.
I would suggest you start with the any concept in which you are master. Like think if you have traveled your country lots of times or you know about your country's tourist place very well i. e. right from Holidays spots to shopping spots. You can write about it. My personal experience says that, while writing the content think as if you are reading and is it interesting or not. Believe me, that works.
Once you are set with an idea and sure that it's definitely an hit, then the next thing to do is to check out various domain name service providers and Hosting service Providers. Don't fall for those ads saying cheap web hosting.
I would suggest that you buy the domain name online from any reputed company but for hosting choose an company whose office is within your reach. once you have paid for the hosting service there may be situations where you feel totally wrecked and in those cases Online help counts to nothing so you can reach the office and get your problem solved.
In case if you are not good with developing an website, then look out for web development companies, and get your website running.
Hope this answers your question.
Hello Farhan,
We are very happy you want to publish your own websites .
You have not given us full details of your question so i tell you both way first way is a you Go to any web designing company and tell them about your idea, how you want to websites he will be complete your sites with in 20 days and 2nd way is you create website own yourself in that case you need to learn some language like HTML ,PHP,and SQL HTML language is so easy every one learn this language with in 3 days.
PHP and SQL language is little bit difficult whenever you completely learn these language then you can create your websites easily.
Dear Farhan,
It's very interesting that you publish your wish here. We are happy to know your wish but you did not explain that what kind of help you want from us. No problem just I am explaining that what is the basic things you need to make a web site.
1. You need a domain for website. Which you can register from any one domain sell company. Like
2. With the domain you can buy some space for hosting your website.
3. Now, you need to contact web Development Company. Contact any company at your area and tell them your needs or your view.
Or design then they will make your website and give all files to you for hosting. Or if you give them your hosting server username and password then they can host it properly.
 Hope you got your answer.
Our final project is to make a website, I'm very thankful to this thread.
I have a background knowledge on how to create a website.
Thanks, Â