How can I maximize my laptop battery life?

There are many tips and tricks to maximize your laptop battery’s life. When you buy a new laptop you need to be charge the battery for 24- hours before its fast use. After charged fully I suggest you to discharge it immediate and then fully charge it again. Doing this several times it may extend your laptop battery’s life. If you not need to use the battery for a long time you can remove the battery from the laptop. You can avoid extreme temperatures for long life for your laptop battery. It is also good for your laptop to keep it out of over hot or cold place. You can clean your laptop battery at least once every month.
Standard defragmentation allows you to organize the data so professionally additional effort to create the hard disk of a smaller number of entry information. The faster the disk works hards lightest touch is shipping the battery installed. Thus, the battery can last longer. The result is nominal, but this responsibility goes hand in glove with the conservation as well as the hard disk