How to open a document with the file extension of XPS ?

I received a file from a friend with file extension of "XPS". I cannot seem to open it.
What should I do?

I received a file from a friend with file extension of "XPS". I cannot seem to open it.
What should I do?
If you are using Windows Vista, the XPS file will open up inside Internet Explorer. This is because XPS is natively integrated to Internet Explorer 8 onwards. If you are using Windows XP, you need to download a XPS viewer offered by Microsoft.
What is this new file format XPS?
What does it do?
Which program uses it?
XPS stands for XML Paper Specification. It is another invention by Microsoft in response to PDF (Portable Document Format). In Windows Vista, a special printer is automatically installed and named as "Microsoft XPS Document Writer". This special printer creates the XPS file, when you send a document to print. It's more or less like the PDF Printer, that gets installed when you install Acrobat Professional to create PDF documents.
In addition to what Whiz Boy had stated, the difference here is that Microsoft ships this writer software natively with Windows Vista. This means you do not need to purchase and install 3rd party software like Adobe Acrobat. The drawback is that in order to open XPS documents, users need to be using Windows Vista! In your case you need to download and install the XPS viewer.
You mentioned the word "XML". Well, I tried to open the file in notepad, but I do not see any XML elements in it! All I see is some binary data! Are you sure its XML?
Yes, I did mention XML. The XPS file is stored in a compressed format using zip compression. You can rename the extension to ".zip" and open the file in a suitable zip program. You will see a set of folders. When you print a document to XPS, the document gets converted to an XML specification, bundled up, compressed and stored. So when you open a XPS document, the file gets de-compressed and then the document is re-generated. I have attached a screenshot on the internal folder structure of a XPS file.
XPS document can also be opened in other browsers such as Firefox, provided you download the relevant plug in. For viewing XPS document, you need to install the .Net Framework as well. This is because this technology is built based on Microsoft .Net framework. PS: I am not too sure of opening a XPS document from a Linux browser!
Thank you MathGirl and Whiz Boy! I downloaded the viewer and true enough, it asked for the .Net framework as well. So I downloaded and installed it. I can now view the XPS document! Thank you again!
We are happy that we were able to help you!
Happy viewing!
XML Paper Specification or “Metro” is a type of Microsoft file. There is an in XPS Document Writer already embedded into the Windows Vista operating system. For those utilizing the 2007 Microsoft’s Office Suit, just use the built in feature that allows you to convert the formats to and from XPS file specifications. To do this just go under the file tab and scroll down and click on the “save as button”. Underneath the file name there is a scroll box where you can change the format that the file is saved it. If you have access to this program on a different computer you can convert the format to one that is supported by your PC.
If you do not have access to this and are operating on Windows 2003 or XP operating system, you can download an XPS writer or the XPS Viewer which are both free. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 or Microsoft XPS Essentials Pack can be used to do this. For this you will need to be using a version of Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. Both of these programs are available to be downloaded from the Microsoft website.
Microsoft XPS Essentials Pack includes the XML Paper Specification (XPS) Viewer and writer so you can read files as well as create new ones in XPS format are able to convert XPS Documents. You can use Microsoft XPS to make your own XPS documents. By default this is included in both packages. Before downloading either of these programs makes sure you check and make sure that your PC meets the specified system requirements.