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10 points
Posted on - 10/03/2011
Hello everyone,
I faced a very big problem. I received 100-200 spam email for each day. Therefore,my email become unusable.
But it is very important for me.
I do my all business using that email.
Please help me to remove those spam emails.
How can I be protected from spam emails
Your image demonstrate a yahoo interface email so that means that you have to have yahoo:
SpamGuard – This features enable you to sent a request to yahoo that an email sent to you is a spam.
SpamGuard Plus – This one is almost the same with the SpamGuard but has more options for you to choose from.
AddressGuard – This will let you have a temporary address that may be dispose so that you can protect your very own address.
Yahoo is always finding ways how to prevent spam messages that enters your email. But spammers is also looking for many ways to enter your email.
How can I be protected from spam emails
You can either block the domain or the email address and treat it as a spam. Most email provider has the ability to recognized email and will be treated as spam once detected in their network.
On webmail, you can check the settings and you can block the email address and the domain as spam. They have this feature spam control that report spam email addresses to their network. The network then will filtered email address going in and out in their network and once detected, I'll be stop and block directly by their web server.
You can report all spam email by sending or forwarding the email address to the spam protection or security. Ask your ISP if they have this feature.
How can I be protected from spam emails
Hello My Dear,
Dear you can overcome this problem easily.
I will tell you very easy method to get these spam out.
You can run a filter in the mail.
The function of the filter is to scrutinize of the mails and separate the spam mails from other mails. Then forward these mails to spam folder.
You have to set a security option to Delete Immediately.
Then whenever the spam mail will come into Inbox it will be deleted automatically.
The second method is to install Norton Antivirus.
Norton Antivirus has a best option to fight with spam.
It will keep a mail box clean all the time.
You can download this antivirus from this website.