I am receiving an error when I tried to open .EXE files.
The error is: System Error
Exe file is corrupted and can’t be run. Hard drive scan required.
I then performed a full scan with my system anti virus, but found no error or signs of virus.
After scanning, while I am on my normal window, It says that my system is still infected.
I tried to use anti malware to scan my system, It detected different infected objects that are not very familiar to me.
When the scan is done, my computer shut itself down.
I booted from Windows Advanced Options Menu to boot safe mode.
I am trying to clean the temp folder where Smart Defragmenter stores its file. But I could not reach it.
The system is acting real slow.
I want to know which anti malware or anti virus can I use to fix this error?
And What is a Smart Defragmenter?
Is this legit?
My system has a Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 32-Bit OS with 80Gb Hard Drive SATA, RAM is 1Gb.
Any help and suggestions on how to remove the error will be accepted.
I really want to fix this.
Answered By
10 points
How can I remove SMART Defragmenter Virus?
Thanks for your question.
The problem you’re facing with your computer and the Smart Defragmenter software not working properly is somehow interrelated with each other.
Here I’m giving out some possible solution to help you out.
First of all what is Smart Defragmenter?
The thing is that Smart Defragmenter isn’t a Virus. And it is a utility software for windows. Which help in defragmenting your drive. But sometimes it so happens that this software gets affected by malware or virus and thus causes you problem. Then it is called Smart-Defragmenter virus.
But the problem with is software is that the software doesn’t provide what it actually should do like speed up your computers but it rather shows unknown errors.
It keeps showing your computer is in danger message. So removal of this becomes necessary. Here some of the ways in which this Smart-Defragmenter virus can be removed.
How to remove:
With the help of Smart Defragmenter Removal Tool:
This is the best software for the removal ofSmart-Defragmenter. It helps to remove Malware and Anti-Malware. If you cannot download due to that you computer is virus affected then try to download from another pc. Then try to install it. It may work for you.
Visit the link given below.
With the help of Portable Super-Anti-Spyware:
Another way to remove Smart-Defragmenter is to use portable Super Anti Spyware. It requires that the removal software is installed in your pen-drive and now when you attach a pen-drive to you pc you get to scan you pc for the Smart-Defragmenter software. Doing this will also help you to remove other virus affected components remove from your computer.
So download the SuperAntiSpyware Portable Scanner. See if it works for you or not.
With the help of Norton Power Eraser:
Another way to remove Smart-Defragmenter is to use the Norton Antivirus. This has a Removal Tool which helps to remove these sorts of unwanted files or threats.
IT also removes other unnecessary software or malwares that may affect your computer. This software can be very helpful to remove Smart-Defragmenter. So download and Sean your pc with is software.
Hope it you be helpful for you.
For more information Visit here: as well here Resolved Question
How can I remove SMART Defragmenter Virus?
You have to really check your system from errors that are causing the problem in you OS. To make a smart Defrag.
Go to start and then to RUN and then type cmd press enter or click OK a new window will be opened and now here in this window type "chkdsk"
This will check your disk from registry errors and then try to resolve it. But you can also make a disk defragmenter for this purpose to make it go to start and then to all programs accessories and now system tools here select disk defragmenter.
This setting is for window XP, but you can locate it in any window.
Now when you done make a full disk defrag. On your disk and it will solve your problem.
Check your virus yourself by pressing CTRL+ ALT + DEL and then under process check that which program is taking most of the computer resources after you locate it end its process and after ending process also delete it from the computer directory in which it is installed.
I hope it will solve you problem if not then try to install some new window.
How can I remove SMART Defragmenter Virus?
Thanks for the complete instruction and sending links that may help me resolve the issue.
I was able to remove the malware on my computer.