How can I remove the style of list in HTML programming?

How can I remove the style of the list in HTML programming?
I want a plain list and don't want numbered or bulleted list.
Can you give some sample of plain list html codes?

How can I remove the style of the list in HTML programming?
I want a plain list and don't want numbered or bulleted list.
Can you give some sample of plain list html codes?
You wants to remove number and bullet list option from you text. Number and Bullet feature is under the list tag. Which code is <li></li>. This is a simple code for listing any text line with various bullet or numbering.
There have more bullet in HTML for listing any line except as usual bullet and numbering.
You can use Square, Disc, Circle as your bullet.
<ul type="square">
<ul type="disc">
<ul type="circle">
 If you dislike all kinds of listing tag than you should remove <li></li> tag from your script or web page source code.
It shows plain text in your web page. You may use <p></p> tag too for that.
If you want a plain and simple list in your HTML document instead of a numbered list or bulleted list, simply use the list tag <li>. The <li> tag defines a list item and is used in ordered list (numbered list) <ol>, unordered list (bulleted list) <ul>, and menu list <menu>. It should always be used with an end tag </li>.
The list tag <li></li> is supported in all major web browsers such as Google Chrome, Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera. See the example below.
When the <li> tag is applied: