Asked By
450 points
Posted on - 05/26/2011
I am having a very annoying problem. Some programs i have installed in my PC comes at the startup. Every time i open the PC and those comes and some times those makes the PC slow due to their starting.
My PC need more time to start due to those unwanted programs though they are important but at the starting they are not wanted.
I am using Windows XP professional service Pack 2, and now my question is that what is the way to stop them from coming at the start?
I mean how can i remove those programs from my startup?
A detail answer may be helpful to me as i have not enough knowledge of different tabs and tools.
So please describe the process step by step. So i can understand and follow your instructions.
Answered By
0 points
How can i remove unwanted programs from my Startup??
Hello Mr. Robinson,
The most causes of this problem is the settings to the program or in the Startup system. There is a procedures on how you will set to avoid appearing unwanted programs in your startup. Just follow the steps that I'm going to give you. I hope that with my solutions will fix your problem.
First thing to do is, you may need to set the Windows StartUp folder. Just go to Start – Programs – StartUp and you will see the programs. You have two choices on how you will do with the programs in Windows StartUp folder. First is to delete them if you are not using them anymore. Second is to make a Disabled StartUp Programs folder here C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuPrograms and you will move there the files from Windows StartUp folder. And you can restart your computer.
You have to disable the startup programs to avoid them appearing in startup. You have to go to Start and select RUN. Type msconfig and press Enter. In the Startup tab you may uncheck the programs that you don't want load from the startup then click Apply and OK. Then Restart. In your startup there will be a dialog box that will appear, just check the "Don't show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows start" check box then click OK.
If unwanted program still appears in your startup, let's proceed in regedit. You are going to disable startup in regedit. So on your Start, click RUN and type regedit.exe. Then press ENTER, look for.
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShared ToolsMSConfigstartupfolder
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftShared ToolsMSConfigstartupreg
Then you may right click them and select disable.
You have to Uninstall and Reinstall the program that always comes up at from the startup. Make sure that the settings is set well. Make sure in programs that comes up for startup, is that you haven't check the Automatically start when I start up my computer. But, if the programs still appears in your startup then look for the method below.
You can also fix that issue by System Restore, you just have to restore your computer from the date before the problem started. But before you do this, you have to backup your important files if you have save some files starting the day when unwanted programs appears in your pc.
So here is the procedure on how to setup your System Restore. First run your computer into safe mode. And when the safe mode is ready, there's a dialog box that will appear on the startup. Just click NO to start on the system restore. Select "Restore my computer to an earlier time" and click Next. Then in the calendar you may choose the date, but remember you have to choose the date before the problem happen. Then click Next and your system will automatically restart.
Having viruses also can be the cause of that. The unwanted programs in your startup maybe affected by viruses. Do you have updated anti-virus? If you have, then scan your computer using your updated anti-virus to see if that program is affected of viruses. If it is affected, you have to remove that program then just reinstall it after. And remember always update your anti-virus regularly.
Clean your Internet Browser so you can avoid viruses to your computer. Go to Start, Control Panel, Network and Internet Connections then select Internet Option.
In browsing history check the delete browsing history on exit check box, then click Delete. Check all the check box, wait for a second then click Apply and OK.
Answered By
0 points
How can i remove unwanted programs from my Startup??
Hi Robinson,
Its you say you don't want too many icons on your start up? That automatically open when your computer starts up? The one that are near the clock of your computer? If this is your problem this is the solution go to START then click run then type MSCONFIG then System Configuration Utility will appear then choose STARTUP then uncheck the program that you want to remove. Then restart.
IF you want to remove them permanently you can go to START then choose CONTROL PANEL then choose ADD REMOVE PROGRAMS. The choose the program that you want to remove permanently.