While checking on the apps that run on startup, I found out that the Windows Command Processor was present between some of the apps. I made a research and found out that it is some sort of a virus or trojan. It is somehow complicated to take it out without harming my computer system. I want to know if someone here knows how to get rid, uninstall or remove it without affecting my system? Thanks.
How can I remove Windows Command Processor
Windows command processor is very dangerous spyware. It gathers information from a system without user’s permission. It’s very difficult to detect and even defected it’s more difficult to remove it. It will not be removed through the convenient uninstall process of windows.
To detect and remove this windows command processor spyware you need to install a very good spyware detection antivirus software. There are so many antivirus which can remove this spyware from the system. I will recommend to use the SpyHunter Spyware detection tool.