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0 points
Posted on - 11/05/2013
How can i secure my WordPress website?
I have few websites that are built on the WordPress CMS
What can i do to keep it secure from any illegal activities?
Plugins/code/improvements on security would be helpful
Kindly give me all possible info
How can i secure my WordPress website?
Hi Tsaiwn,
There are several ways to secure your WordPress website. Some of them are listed below:
1) Delete the Admin login of the site. After the system has been successfully log in, delete the login details
2) By using 'myRepono plugin', regular back-ups of the site can de done
3) The 'User Locker' plugin helps to set a maximum number of invalid authentication before the account is locked
4) Use 'Admin SSL Secure Plugin' to encrypt the sit with SSL
5) The 'Chap Secure Login' helps encrypt all login credentials with SHA-256 algorithm
6) Remove all the default posts and comments that indicate new WordPress site
7) To disable unfiltered HTML, add the following to 'wp-config.php' file: define ('DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML', true);
8) Run the 'Exploit Scanner plug-in' to check the malicious activity in the system