How Can I Set All My Computers With Floppy Disk Drive?
I work in a mining department and need to store and access data out of various floppy drives. Hence I need to arrange computers with floppy disk drive.
I work in a mining department and need to store and access data out of various floppy drives. Hence I need to arrange computers with floppy disk drive.
For enabling all computers to read and write data of floppy drives you need to only buy the floppy disk drive from the stores which can then be connected to the CPU using the FDD connecter pin and power supply is connected. You also need to make sure that one slot in the CPU is empty for the floppy disk drive to fit in. It is actually very slow for processing and transferring data, so if you are creating data on your own I would like to suggest using a Compact disk or a Flash drive.  
The use of floppy disk is very primitive and obsolete though you can still use this kind of storage for your computer. It’s just that the storage capacity is very small and the safety of your data is low because floppy disks can easily get damaged even if you insert it to a floppy drive very carefully.
Anyway, if you need floppy drives for your floppy disks, the most convenient way to have it is to buy an external floppy drive. Try checking these items on eBay:
On the other hand, if you want a more secure storage for your files that you can carry around with you, go for a USB external hard drive.