How can I set Mac clock calendar screen saver on cellphone?

I want to change my screensaver of my cell phone on Mac clock calendar screensaver. I want to know some techniques how doing it. Thank you.

I want to change my screensaver of my cell phone on Mac clock calendar screensaver. I want to know some techniques how doing it. Thank you.
Hello Pedro,
You will need to look up the check the themes for your phone under settings for more screensaver options that you have. If the screensaver that you want is not listed there, you can as well just download it and then save it on your phone, and after that you can make it the default theme.
Hello Pedro Mahons,
You did not mention for which cell phone you want the MAC screensaver. So I did some research and found 2 links.
This is a link to a Mac theme for Nokia devices.
This is a link to a Mac screensaver for Android Devices.
I hope this was helpful.