How can I show matrix numbers in 3DS max animation scene?

I think it is better to separate layer and composite it later with your scene. I don't know whether 3Ds Max allows a controller for a text shape's text or not but if it does; you can connect it to a noise function.
You can do the "matrix numbers" layer in any animation software, you can also try to capture a command prompt window in Windows and manipulate it a bit to suit your purpose. I recommend you to go 3Ds max help center or their video tutorial site. Just start the 3Ds max application and then click on the help and select what kind of help you need.
You can show the matrix or animation in the 3DS using blender. Select the vertex mode from the status, then the good professional quality plug-ins for the 3ds max is good plugins over the web but check first the version of the 3ds Max if they are compatible.
The matrix number in 3ds max animation that can show separate layers on the scene and then allow you to control for the text shape that can be connected to the noises function and just simply use any animation software that can be compatible to the matrix number layer and you can also any command prompt that can suit Windows in any purposes.