How can i solve the ram problem?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hello, I have a problem with my desktop that is -A double beep tone has came out when I start my pc and after the beep it restarts automatically.Now, what can I do?

Best Answer by Zerra Masilio
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Answered By 0 points N/A #146750

How can i solve the ram problem?



Hello Minty,

I suspect your problem would be the RAM is short-circuited, dirty or defective.

I would want to know first what your BIOS brand is so that I could possibly check if it really the RAM is the major problem of restarting for there are several beep codes used to identify problems in a system and varies with different board manufacturer (BIOS).

AMI BIOS beep codes for RAM failure is 1 short beep; AWARD BIOS = any beeps; Phoenix BIOS = 1-3-1-1; and etc… usually, 2 beeps are for RAM.

Best solution if you know how to remove the RAM from your system console, try it and clean it with eraser (pencil eraser or any rubber equivalent), it might be due to burning of current or dirt. If symptoms persist, try checking the RAM onto another unit to check if its working properly, you might need a replacement.

Hope this has helped.

Answered By 10 points N/A #146751

How can i solve the ram problem?


Hi Nicky,

This problem happens because of lose connection of RAM. I think the RAM did not set to the Slot properly. You can press that RAM little harder, it will make a sound nearly metal and hard board sounds together. After that sound you will understand that the RAM is slotted properly. Now restart the computer.

If the computer shows the same problem after doing this than I am afraid that your computer’s RAM might be damaged. That was for sure that this problem occurring because of RAM.

Thank you,

Riley Weaver.

Answered By 0 points N/A #195974

How can i solve the ram problem?


Hi dear,

You should check first if the beeps are long or short. If the beeps are longer, then this might be a RAM problem, but if the beeps are short then it is not. Here, I am going to tell you how you can check if it is a RAM problem or something else. Just open the case of your computer and remove the RAM, and the start without any RAM. If you notice that the beeps are the same, then it is a RAM problem, but if the beeps are different now, then your RAM is OK.

Clean the edges of your RAM, and check if it is producing heat. If yes, replace your RAM.


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