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Posted on - 11/17/2013
I am a MAC user ane wanted to know how can i play with audio files
I have loads of original music and wanted to know the methods to split them/Merge them and combine many files into 1
How can i split and merge audio files on my MAC
How can i split and merge audio files on my MAC
Hi Dasaugcfq1,
The software used to split and merge audio files in Mac is 'Split&Concat'. You can download the software from Split and concat website.
The features of this tool are as follows:
1) It uses command through terminal in OS X to split files
2) There are three functions as split, concat, create Par file
3) Split means splitting the data, concat means combining data, create Par file means creating a compressed file that contains components and resource files
4) It does not require any terminal experience for its use
5) To load a file you need to simply drag in the dock icon