How can I stream higher quality program
I know that some people are able to stream many good program without much difficult. Is there a trick? How can I stream higher quality program ?
I know that some people are able to stream many good program without much difficult. Is there a trick? How can I stream higher quality program ?
Hi, Roman Curtis
As you know, from Google you can find a lot of forums but the chance of getting the right solution depends on where you post your problems. We have so many different forums to know about , How to stream higher quality program.
So classifying and posting them on relevant forums is the best way to get your answer step by step.
Just watch the video and get all steps to be followed
To get a high quality stream video what you really need is a very fast and stable internet connection and also the other thing is to know is, usually higher quality video will have a big file size compare to the normal quality file size.
We will talk about video quality, to give you information; the quality of the video really will depend on the video resolution. If you look or browse online, most of the website won’t give you high definition (HD) version to stream video because the consideration of big file size. When you stream online the general video size in America that is more than 480 horizontal lines considered high definition video, in Europe the video file that has more than 570 lines considered as high definition.
Talking about scan lines, the minimum accepted usually 720 scan lines, but most of the times many video exceed that. The standard video images capture at faster rate (More than 60 frames per second for North America, and 50 frames per second in Europe). If there is information the video use a high speed camera, it may classify to high definition.
If you are looking for good sites that provide high definition streaming video, you want to go to the link below