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Posted on - 07/15/2011
I am using thunderbird as my email client. But now i need to transfer them into ms outlook. How can i do this. If any one know about it.
Please help me.
How can i transfer Thunderbird email data into outlook?
Read this article, this will help you and your problem will be resolved.
Take care.
How can i transfer Thunderbird email data into outlook?
Thunderbird folder:
This can keep messages in mbox files even if it is deleted already. For this not to be set like it, compact the folders in the thunderbird. Right click a folder then choose Compact This Folder. This will moves deleted messages from mbox folders. Location of mbox files: Messages are stored in Profile Folder, in the Mail. Each folder stores two files which are the Mail file itself and the index to the mail file.
Next is convert mbox files to eml files;
Download and install IMAPsize, run it and invoke the mbox2eml option from menu tools. Choose the mbox file you wish to convert then choose location where to generate eml file and be stored. Click Convert and automatically the IMAPsize will convert it. Even the attachments will be converted but the original thunderbird won't be moved.
How to import eml files into Outlook Express:
Have the Outlook Express and choose local folder and create a new one which where you want to import messages. From your file manager open Windows Explorer, find eml files. If find, select it and drag it into the Outlook Express application window.
I hope this would help you.