How can I update gladiator antivirus scanner for free?
Hi guys,
I need to free registration to use updated feature.Without turning off any proxy server and changing the settings of updated firewall, How can I update gladiator antivirus scanner?
Hi guys,
I need to free registration to use updated feature.Without turning off any proxy server and changing the settings of updated firewall, How can I update gladiator antivirus scanner?
Hello My Dear Friend,
I had also faced this issue before. I did a very good research about this and found a solution.
An updated gladiator antivirus scanner has many good features. You need to go on this website and register. The registration is free. Once you have registered, you can downloaded the latest version of the gladiator antivirus scanner.
Before you install the latest version, you need to uninstall the older version first. After the older version has been properly uninstalled you can proceed with the installation of the updated latest version.
Also check this website for further guidance on this issue.
Hope this will help you. Good Luck!