How can Pong carries most advanced iPad case in the world?

How can pong carries most advanced ipad case in the world compared to other gadget cases existing today?

How can pong carries most advanced ipad case in the world compared to other gadget cases existing today?
Hi, Tatyanamaiaa! Indeed, a question like yours is a hot is a hot issue across oceans. I have dealt a lot of questions here at about smartphones, laptops, tablets, cameras, applications, accessories and many more concerns regarding gadgets. This shows that competitions from companies are getting hotter and hotter every single month.
Apple’s Pong iPad Case is considered to be the world’s most advance iPad case. It does not only simply protect and adds style in your tablet, it can also increase 3G and Wi-Fi signal strength and can reduce radiation exposure! Research found that it can actually reduce radiation exposure up to 90% below the international limit and 83% below the FCC-listed U.S. limit.