When I install some free demo version softwares , they works well until the limited time period 15-30 days. After that require to uninstall or upgrade the version with key. But I want to reinstall the demo version of same software again, but this is not allowed. The question is how can reinstall demo software?
How can reinstall demo software?
What you are thinking about reinstalling demo softwares is not possible. Demo program is just a demonstration in other words and intends to let users to use it for a specific period of time. Then, once the given period is done, the program will just prompt you for an UPGRADE or uninstall it. There are demo programs that cannot be reinstalled again after the trial period is exhausted. Even if you search for its remaining entry after you uninstall it and delete that entry, it will still be of no use.
The program can never be reinstalled again. If you really need to use that demo again, might as well reformat your whole computer. That's the only solution available. But there are demo applications that let you use it without a trial period. You can use it forever. But the thing is, the important part of the application is disabled, unless you buy a registration code for it, then it will work 100% without limits. One example of a demo software is Winamp. You can use the program as long as you like. It will not ask you for an upgrade. It doesn't have a trial period. But its main features are disabled.
How can reinstall demo software?
Actually, Most test applications add one key in your pc registry by modifying this. When you uninstall one software after it’s trial period has died, all data files are usually deleted besides the keys in an registry. Consequently since you try setting up it, it identifies the key and has a message as if for e.g, “Your own trial has expired”.
So the best way is always make a storage of the registry prior to installing any kind of test software. And if finally your test has expired, you uninstall the applications, fix backup and also try installing both the software back. I make written one submit explaining both the steps of learning a storage inside your registry.. Anyway,, You should know another method ( Using Process Monitor ).. You can find a good solution to solve your problem.. Visit this link.
How can reinstall demo software?
If you have a demo software and you are thinking of reinstalling it, unfortunately, you cannot. Part of the demo is the trial period or the number of days a user can use it free of charge. After the trial days have expired, the program will stop functioning and you will be prompted to buy it if you want to continue using it.
The only feasible way I think you can reinstall it is on a new installation of Microsoft Windows. This means you need to reinstall your operating system which involves a lot of work just to reinstall the demo software. Another logical way is to install the demo software on a virtual machine but before you can do this, you need a powerful enough computer to run two operating systems.
This is quite costly but with a virtual machine, you can install the demo software over and over again by deleting the virtual machine once the demo has expired and then creating a new virtual machine again, install a fresh copy of the operating system, and then install the demo software.