How can set Center Alignment using CSS?

Hi guys ,
I have created a new website , and I need it to center align using CSS ,
Please can someone suggest me a way to do this?

Hi guys ,
I have created a new website , and I need it to center align using CSS ,
Please can someone suggest me a way to do this?
You wanted to use center align by css.thank you,but what content would you like to align center?Your web contents have different parts like heading,paragraph,image,and the post body.
You can align any content center using the code like this:selector {text-align:center}. As for example if you want to align center your headings use code like this:h1 {text-align:center}. You can align center your paragraph,body,and other contents as the same way.
However you can set up your website body by defining left,right,top and bottom margin,border,padding etc.
But you can use html code too. Just use ,<center>your content,code,image,anything</center>.