How can someone check spelling?
Accuracy is very significant thing in writing. False information bears a bad side. How should someone check spelling?
Accuracy is very significant thing in writing. False information bears a bad side. How should someone check spelling?
You can use Micro Soft Office’s spell checker to check spellings and grammar. Spell Check is a feature that checks for spelling errors in a document.
You can check the spelling in a word document from the Review command tab, in the Proofing group, click SPELLING & GRAMMAR or simply press [F7].
Spell Check can be useful in preventing embarrassing mistakes, but we should be aware that Spell Check is not always right. For example if you type the word right, and it should be write? Until Word 2007, the spell checker would have ignored the error.
MS Word 2007 has introduced a new feature that not only checks for the correct spelling but also for the correct context. Follow these steps to activate the contextual spell checker:
Office Button > Click the Word Options button > Click Proofing > In the When Correcting “Spelling and Grammar” In Word section, select the Use Contextual Spelling check box > Click OK.
That would depend on the application you are using, if spell check is available or supported. If you are using Microsoft Office applications like Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, or Microsoft Office PowerPoint, spell check is always supported. You can check the spelling of the word or words in any part of the document.
Normally, doing a manual spell check on a document is optional especially in Microsoft Office Word. In Microsoft Office Word, the spelling of a word is checked automatically as you type or compose your document. Spell check is done in real-time. Words with incorrect spelling are marked with red underline or highlight.
To correct the spelling, right-click on the highlighted word and select the correct spelling from the list. If you want to do a manual spell check on your document, in Microsoft Office Word, go to “Review” tab and click “Spelling & Grammar” on the upper left corner of the screen.