How can we convert Max files to 3D?

Hi All,
I want to convert max files to3d files. Is conversion max into 3ds is possible? Can anyone tell me how to convert them for free?

Hi All,
I want to convert max files to3d files. Is conversion max into 3ds is possible? Can anyone tell me how to convert them for free?
It depends on the software you are using. Normally with free version its not possible but with professional version, I mean if you are using Acrobat 8.3D or 9 Pro Extended you can export from Max to 3DS, and import it directly into Acrobat. They both have translation engines for 3D models.
Hi Ashley,
So far I know that you cannot convert your .Max files to .3ds for free because .Max is closed format and the only way to convert is to export them to another format like .3ds or .Obj. You will need to use Autodesk 3ds Max for this. There is a demo version available which you can try. Download the demo version, import the .Max file and export it to .3ds file. Hope this will help.
Hello Ashley. bila,
You have asked the same question that I have asked about one year ago on a forum site. It is really a common question. I am really sorry to say that there is no free converter to convert Max files to 3D files. You can only use Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 as a trial version. You can use it for 30 days. Download it from here: