How can we prevent willow glass from serious damage?

How can we prevent willow glass from serious damage even though it has been said that it is flexible and can be rolled or wrapped like a paper?

How can we prevent willow glass from serious damage even though it has been said that it is flexible and can be rolled or wrapped like a paper?
Willow glass is like a paper and a paper can be torn if you break it. But the manufacture says that it is strong and durable.
For now gorilla glass is used but in the future it will replace by willow glass. Willow glass is not the first attempt to manufacture flexible glass. a material graphene, first produced in 2004 – a super-conductive form of carbon made from single-atom-thick sheets.
In a separate project, scientists from the Human Media Lab at Queen's University, Canada, and Arizona State University's Motivational Environments Research group, created a millimeter-thick prototype flexible smartphone in 2011, made of a so-called electronic paper.
The glass of many smartphone today are strong and durable so in case the willow glass is suppose to be strong.
The Corning Willow Glass is a tremendously thin malleable glass that is only about 100 microns thick. For more information pay a visit this Techyv post : Does any info on Willow Glass