How can we use mangal font free download for Ms. Word 2007 in daily life

What is mangal font free? How can we download mangal font free download for Ms Word 2007 it? How can we use the mangal software in various fields?

What is mangal font free? How can we download mangal font free download for Ms Word 2007 it? How can we use the mangal software in various fields?
Mangal is a font free is a software. It is a transcript which is used to translate the words or sentences to other languages. Mangal font free software uses a unique Unicode which is used to convert the English written sentences to Hindi script. This type of software’s is mostly work in the government and some other private sectors examinations so that the students can both the languages without any problem. This software converts the English written word into Hindi words so that the students who can’t understand English would try to understand this language at least to complete this examination.
This software is comes pre-installed on some operating systems like Windows, they won’t have to take enough burden just download and install to make the software work. To open the pre-installed Mangal font software in Windows based systems follow these steps:
 Control panel
 Fonts
 Search
 Mangal
Once you type mangal in the search box u can find the mangal software which is ready to use for the people who are using windows operating systems.
How to download:
You can download the file and extract the file and then you can install it on your PC and then start using it to convert it into Hindi script. To download it click on the Link
The outlook of software:
A. Mangal can be used in various documentaries.
B. Mangal is used in any examinations.
C. Mangal can be used to change the script into Hindi for people understanding Hindi.
D. Mangal can be used to publish in a newspaper, magazine,etc.
E. Mangal is used in marketing sector for their purposes.
F. Mangal is used as a translator for people who can’t understand English and in many other various fields.
The one drawback in mangal is that even though we install managal software which is used to convert English into Hindi while typing by default it will be printing in English only. We need to change the script type. Or we can activate the Hindi keypad so that what we type from here comes in the Hindi format.