How to change administrator name win XP
Hi there,
Yesterday I installed windows XP on my computer, and there is "administrator" word on start menu, but there is no option to change the name. Is there any solution?
Hi there,
Yesterday I installed windows XP on my computer, and there is "administrator" word on start menu, but there is no option to change the name. Is there any solution?
Hey alvazr,
That’s not a problem at all buddy,
Select start then go to control Panel, find and open “User account” and you will find computer administrator under “or Pick an account to change” click it to open, once it is opened it will ask you “what do you want to change about your account?” Selects “my name” which is the first option, then put your desired name in the field, and click “change name to save and change the name from administrator to your desired name.
So, Start menu < Control Panel < User account < Computer administrator < Change name.
And yours for is done,
So best of luck.
There are 2 ways to change your administrator name.
1. First go to start menu and click on the control panel click on user accounts > again click on user accounts in "or click a control.
Panel icon > click on administrator account icon> click on change my name in user account window > type your new.
Administrator name as you like and save it.
2. One other way is Go to start menu > click on administrator icon on the top > click back button then user accounts window will.
Appear, click on change my name, save it and it's done.