How to change the background colour of MS office?
Hi, I have a Mac Book Air. I have installed Win Office and I don't like the background colour. Does anyone know how to change this in MAC?
Hi, I have a Mac Book Air. I have installed Win Office and I don't like the background colour. Does anyone know how to change this in MAC?
Luis, it is very easy to change the background color of a office document be in MAC or MS word. Its same for both. Keep in mind that changing background color changes the color for that specific document only, it does not change the default color of all the documents. So for changing the background color of a document. Simply open a Win Word document and find the "Page Layout” menu on the menu bar. There you need to click “Page Color” label and then chose from variety of colors available in list for preview. Chose the one you like for your document. Here I must tell you that for professional documents, the default color should be white. I hope you have now a background color of your choice. You can also chose a picture to be set as a background too.
Luis Hizon
This has nothing to do with the operating system. The Microsoft office program has its own system to change the background color.
Generally there are three colors: blue, silver and black.
To get the color you like, you have do the following steps.
At first click on the small drop down button.
in this wizard, click on the more commands button
then a new wizard will open
in the color scheme section choose the color you like and enjoy.
hope this helps.