How to change Google account language

I need to change my google account language. It's set in wrong language. How can I change the Google account language ?

I need to change my google account language. It's set in wrong language. How can I change the Google account language ?
Angela D Sloan
Changing your Google accounts DISPLAY language is relatively an easy task.
Simply go to the following url, log in with your Google account, and click on the drop down menu before the column “Primary language” (See figure)
The link is: Now select your correct language from the options provided. If you do not see the required language in the drop down menu / options, you can always add new language by clicking on the option just below the column “primary language”, the option is called” Add another language”
I hope, this resolves your issue.
1 – Go to this icon
2 – choose "options"
3 – then
4 – then choose
5 – then
6 – then choose the language and OK
7 – language is changed
In order to change the language display of your google account, follow these simple steps:
1. First, log in to your google account. After you have log-in you will this image:
2. The next step is to look for the language setting which is located at the left corner of the page.
3. After you have located it, please click.
4. Then you will see this image
5. In the "Primary language" box, choose the language that you want
6. After you have chosen the language that you deem best for your browser, you will see a box appear bearing the instruction " Language settings updated. You may have to log in again for the changes to apply to other Google sites"
7. Sign out then log in again and you are done. You will see that the language display has been changed.