Hi. I have qmobile A6 and every software and application is working well in it. But when I installed Oklahoma city thunder theme apk, menu icons disappear from the main menu list. Background wallpaper, theme everything about the theme is changed but still facing problem with menu icon. Any solution Please
How to change the setting of Oklahoma city thunder theme apk?
Hello Shirleytjensen,
     That is the default setting for the theme. But if you want to make it according to your choice then you have to edit it manually by using a software. Below is a link you can get it from there . It is not a tough thing to use all you need is to install it after that you have to place the theme file in it and it will generate pictures for you and also other things and you can customize them according to your need.
How to change the setting of Oklahoma city thunder theme apk?
Hello Shirleytjensen,
In that situation the theme file failed to perform so if you would like to run it successfully you have to use a software that can edit or changed your theme file.This is an easy way just download it and install. After you finish install the software, you have to put the theme file that you desire and it will produce a new picture. Open the link below to download the software that you need.
How to change the setting of Oklahoma city thunder theme apk?
You have to search for the small black icon at the top left corner of your device. If you can find it, then you can create an icon. This usually happens when the download is untrusted or with untrusted certificate. For further information regarding Oklahoma City Thunder Theme send an email to this contact daluchinekechimezie with email address [email protected]

