How to clean my Dell laptop keyboard ?

How to clean my Dell laptop keyboard? I have problems when i enter some letters. Keys are stuck. So i want to clean it , but don't know how.
Please help me.

How to clean my Dell laptop keyboard? I have problems when i enter some letters. Keys are stuck. So i want to clean it , but don't know how.
Please help me.
Hey Dear!
If you want to clean your keyboard, it is very easy. What you need to do is just to follow these steps.
1. Turn off your Computer (if it is running). Unplug your Keyboard.
2. You can use compressed air on the keyboard which will help to remove the dirt inside the keyboard.
3. Take a cotton swab and you have to dip it in isopropyl alcohol. Then clean the keyboard keys from sides with the help of cotton swab.
4. Take a small lever or screw driver and take out all the keyboard keys by pressing them with lever or screwdriver. Then clean the keyboard from under the keys. After that again insert all the keys on their places by pressing them on the keyboard,
Your keyboard will start working now.
   Cleaning your laptop is surely hard and difficult chore to do, but with the right tools and with the right instruments, you will surely get it easily. Especially, cleaning the internal parts of the laptop which you really need to be careful in case you might damage the parts inside is the hardest part in cleaning the laptop, second in line, cleaning your keyboard is next. Anyway, you just need a can of compressed air in cleaning your keyboard. It is easily found in local stores near you. Just use the compressed air to blow off the dust inside your keyboard, and buy a keyboard protector to protect it from outside materials from coming in.
>>Mathew Joni<<