How to collect facebook friends? I just registered a facebook account last night and was able to play some free facebook applications. But I don’t have a clue on how to add some friends in facebook? Can you share with me a step by step process of searching and adding some friends?
Expecting some help from you guys.
How to collect Facebook friends?
Hi Jessica,
One way of adding friends in Facebook, is to look them up through the search panel, then click the add friend button. This is how you add friends that you know in real life.
But in your case, you want to add friends that are using the same applications you use. So here is how you add friends:
1. Search for groups related to the application you are using.
2. Join the specified group.
3. Once accepted, you can now add people that are in that group.
4. Another fast way to gain friends is to post in the group wall, post something like "This Application User, Add me up!".
How to collect Facebook friends?
It's Easy to Collect Friends from Facebook.
You can add Facebook Friends by Typing names on the search bar inside the Facebook.
It can be someone you know. Friends, Relative or Acquaintance.
Or Click the first Icon (Friend Request Notification) beside the FACEBOOK Logo.
The Friend Notification Icon can make you add random friends from Facebook.
Or You can join different Groups,Page and Community.
This Way you will able to collect thousand of friends.