How to combine two or more photos?
I want to combine a couple of images, like placing them together and still undetectable. I want it to be realistic and at the same time easy to do. Can anyone help me?
I want to combine a couple of images, like placing them together and still undetectable. I want it to be realistic and at the same time easy to do. Can anyone help me?
If you do not have an image editor, you can combine two photos in MS Word. For this select the first picture, right click and choose copy option and paste it in MS Word doc. Now select the second picture right click, choose copy option and paste it in the same MS Word doc over the first picture and adjust how you want to combine them.
If you have a image editor, begin with the image that you want to be on the left corner and then utilize the sizing handles to expand the empty canvas. It should be outsized to fit another picture. And then check on the other image and select the part that you wish to get from it with the select box or by pressing on Control+A. Press Control+C to copy it.
Return to the first image and then press Cntrl+V on your keyboard to paste the second image on the first image. Move it and then take the sizing handles to draw the lower right side and then take out the white space. Save your image. Here are some good tutorial links:
First thing to do is to extract the image you want to be in the primary photo. Now there are a lot of ways to extract anything in a picture, but I will teach you my preferences. You can extract a subject by using a lasso tool. So let's talk about lasso tool first. There are basically 3 types of lasso tool, the plain lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool and magnetic lasso tool.
So first, the plain lasso tool is like a free style lasso. You can move anywhere you want with it, this is useful when you have a tablet. I also least likely to use this, it is difficult when using it by mouse.
Next would be the magnetic lasso tool. At first, this was my favorite tool as it sticks automatically to nearby contrast of colors. As time goes by, the advantage turns to disadvantage, as it tends to follow on its own regardless your own desire.
Lastly would be the polygonal lasso tool. It automatically draws a straight line and stop as you click again. This is my tool of choice when extracting a subject as it follows everything you wanted. Now you know about the lasso tool. Place it in your photo and adjust the levels, color of your second image to fit perfectly. Thanks!
To enable it to look realistic, you should look for a photo that is similar to the primary picture. Similar in a way that the color matches its exposure and anything else that would do in a picture. Even though it is not properly edited, this is the major impact that anyone can notice in a edited picture.
Okay. Thanks for the tutorial pips! If you have something to add, please share it to me again. Thanks!
I think that's all you need to know. I'll comment as soon as I have something to add.
No problem! You can ask anything, anytime in here. Feel free to ask again!
Thanks a lot! I'm going to ask again, sooner if a problem arises. Thanks!