How to complete a PDF form- Steps to follow.

For the school assignment, we have got a PDF file. That means I have to fill it using a computer rather than handwritten. How to complete a PDF form?

For the school assignment, we have got a PDF file. That means I have to fill it using a computer rather than handwritten. How to complete a PDF form?
Most of the times we get our forms in PDF file that we need to fill. There are several ways to fill out a document which is in PDF form.
Method 1-
Step 1: Right click on the document.
Step 2: Click Hand tool or Select tool.
Step 3: As you move a pointer over a file, it will change to a different icon.
Step 4: Choose the Select option to type in the field.
Step 5: Press tab to move forward.
Step 6: Click on Submit button after finishing.
Method 2-
Step 1: Go to PDF escape.
Step 2: In the upper left corner, click Start using unregistered.
Step 3: Click Continue and then upload PDF.
Step 4: Click in the field and start typing.
Step 5: After finishing editing, click on the green button to Save and Download button. It is in the toolbar on the left side of the screen.