I want to reconfigure the default location of the log files for the calls, SMS text messages and PIN messages.
As confidential information in plain text format is stored these files so I want to restrict the access to the location of log files to protect the information and where are the options to configure the Blackberry text message server enterprise?
How to configure the Blackberry text message server enterprise?
The default location for log files is 'C:Program FilesResearch In MotionBlackBerry Enterprise ServerLogs'. Or check your computer for location of BlackBerry®Â
Enterprise Server component log files for the same.
The steps you need to follow are:
1. Go to BlackBerry Administration Service and in the Servers and components menu. Open BlackBerry Solution topology, then BlackBerry Domain, then Component view and lastly click Synchronization.
2. Select what instance that you wish to change. Select Edit instance.
3. Go to the General section and then the Audit root directory field type the new path to save the log files into.
4. Click Save all.
Additionally, here's how you monitor different instances:
For PIN messages-
The log files are named using the format PINLog_<yyyymmdd>. By default, the logging is off. You can use them to monitor the time and frequency when users send a PIN.
Message from BlackBerry® devices.
1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, to the BlackBerry solution management menu, and then open Policy.
2. Click Manage IT policies. Go to the listed IT policies, click any IT policy.
3. Click Edit IT policy.
4. On the PIM Synchronization tab, go to the Disable PIN Messages Wireless Synchronization drop-down list, click No.
5. Click Save all.
You may also wish to monitor SMS text messages. The log files are named using the format SMSLog_yyyymmdd. Logging of SMS messages is off by default. You can use these to monitor the time and the frequency when users.
Send SMS text messages.
1. Follow the same procedure for a PIN message until step 3.
2. On the PIM Synchronization tab, in the Disable SMS Messages Wireless Synchronization drop-down list, click No.
3. Click Save all.