How to configure shell in Red Hat Linux?

Hi, Can you tell me about Linux shell and variable, how many types of variable we can find in Red Hat Linux?

Hi, Can you tell me about Linux shell and variable, how many types of variable we can find in Red Hat Linux?
Just like MS-DOS for windows Linux Shell is command interpreter that lets you execute different library command.
Variables are simple way to represent a set of data which can be modified.
A variable in a Linux script can be assigned any type of value.
A Variable can be set as Environment, globally or locally
Hi Yency,
The bash shell can be configured through a number of
mechanisms, including
a. local variable
b. aliases
c. function
d. the “set” command
e. the “shopt” command
Variable can be two types:
Local and Environmental.
#set to display all variable .
#env to display all environmental variable.
Britnu Salu